Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday and Fall........

My newer mum is showing off its white flowers with perfectly lined small petals. It will grow and be larger next year once it get established in my cottage garden.

I am not going to clear the zinnias as long as there is some flash of color showing. A good freeze will sure give me the sign to take them down.  I am going to start removing some of the tomato plants which have no tomatoes left on them. I remember from last year that the zinnias filled up half of my truck.  If I add sunflowers on that it will be a full load.

I haven’t shut down the vine for these yet as there are still about six or more small ones that look just like these.  For a volunteer vine I have enjoyed seeing them grow. I wish they would have been pumpkins but that didn’t develop.

We saw a lot of colored leaves on tress on our way to the old place this morning. The sumac and maples seem to be the first to change. We had another sever rain storm up at the old place so I had to pick up sticks in the yard.

The town clean up is tomorrow so I did get my old dishwasher placed out on the curb.  I also took a metal architecture draft desk out to the curb as I decided not to move it. It was good to get rid of those two thins.  Also a neighbor lady came to pick up a dresser of drawers from out place, getting that out of our living room.  She wanted it but didn’t come to get it for a few months. The photo does show that our fall weather is effecting everything to look bleak just like this side of the zinnia patch.

Leftover shot from a couple of evenings ago. We are getting great skies with all the cold and wind making things shift around.

I have mentioned before that we have a lot o dogs in our neighborhood.  I am getting to know some of them and others I don’t see so often.  This large dog is wearing a t-shirt.  I don’t know why but I took a shot after they had gone by. I could see him going back down the hill a block over when I looked out back about five  minutes later.

I am not a fan of fall weather but today we are now getting sunshine.  I guess it is so welcomed as we just don’t see much sun with all those rainclouds. We are going to be flooding down here again as the north country just keeps getting so much rain. The riders in northern Iowa are all filled from so much rain that those near the Des Moines Rive are overtaking it.  Our lake which is filled by the Des Moines River is back up to almost overflow stage again. That is a drastic change of being 34 feet high then most all of it was drained out the past four weeks.  Now it is filling again.

My wife helped me today with some work in the gallery area.  We both are tired and will be glad to rest this afternoon. I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure why some people dress up their dogs. Pat Barney for me. I notice the different lengths of grass in that last photo. WE are downright cold here, it snowed last night.
