Thursday, October 4, 2018

Wednesday’s Evening Skies.......

As the cold front from the north heads south to our warm day we had some wonderful cloud formations.  Eventually the storms did develop south of us and they received rain.

The cold front did arrive and we have cold weather. We weren’t freezing but we were about 8 degrees away from it.  I mowed my back yard with a heavy coat and a hat to keep warm.  I had to mow today as the rains are starting back up tomorrow.

I over talked about this tree but it is in the ground. I didn’t plant it in a bad location as I could see where the four different lines were located.  I need to put one more thing in this arrangement and then I have fabric and mulch to put around it all. I mowed the back yard at the one inch level today so it took a long time to plow through the three inch grass. It doesn’t match my neighbor’s height but he doesn’t pay my taxes. The red bud will probably take a couple of years to get established in that clay soil.

I think it is still too early to clear everything in the gardens. I have tomatoes still on my vines so I don’t need to cut them back just yet. The bigger tomatoes were falling off the vine so I know they will be done pretty soon. We had tacos last night putting some fresh tomatoes in them. If we do get a hard freeze predicted I can go out and pick them green and bring them inside.

It has been a hard working day so I am ready to sit and warm up this afternoon.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sky! I need a hat and coat to mow too...we may get brace yourself:(
