Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Yesterday’s Rainy Day......

It rained seven out of the last eight days.  Yesterday the begonia was appreciating the moisture and today we are dry. The deck flower garden has really worked well for us and I have plans to do the same thing next year.

In the old house we have a new addition, 34 years old, that has a slanted ceiling. The tiles give it an old fashion look with the hanging chandelier.  Today I had a hole of removed eight tiles. I had to put the new ones in and no one can now see where those eight tiles were originally.  It really did work out well for me as we had a leak and stain in the transition time of old roof was removed and new roof replaced. The phone takes blurry pictures as I can seem to hold the phone steady while I punch the button. This is the room where we had our art gallery and frame shop.  Also studios space for my wife was at the other end.

A miniature rose with such a pure pink bloom amazes me in its small size.  I have a larger rose down below that still is blooming.

It has been a long day and I am now finishing this blog post.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful little rose! It is chilly here and may rain, hope it doesn't snow:)
