Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday’s Report.....

The morning was hot and the wind blew hot air fro, the south.  It felt like a furnace vent was blowing outside as I step onto the deck. The day isn’t going to be good but I did get some things done outside before it became 80 degrees. Front yard has been mowed, the tree and shrub has been planted in the back. I have a weed cloth to put on around the tree and shrub but I think that will be done on another day. I called the number to get people to come mark where the power lines and cable wires were running.  I watched him work and he worked fast spraying red and yellow lines.  I don’t think he saw me watching but he didn’t use a device to spot them.   He had done them all over the town and the boxes sit a certain location in the corner of the lot.  He ran horizontal spray can paint lines along the back along the fence.  He ran lines up from the boxes, showing where the cable line was  probably running to the house.  He also had the electric line marked and the phone line.  They were marked where I would have thought they would be and so I met my obligation "to call before I dig”.

I shared these two trees last fall with them changing color.  We are just seeing spots of fall on a few trees.  The one in front here is a maple and it will show great color before the birch in the background. The location of this set of trees it a whole block over below us.  It is on the opposite side of the street and you can see their property has a steep bank to go down into their back yard.

This is the vine that I bought a few years back.  I removed it from its three inch pot and put it into a larger one. It just keeps growing but for some reason I developed some yellowing.  I guess I must have missed a watering for a couple of weeks. It may be time to trim it back a little.

The leaves are falling on my plastic geese.  As I stepped out on the deck this morning two really Canadas flee overhead directly and they were honking loud and strong.  It is the season for the geese to fly south.  At the lake yesterday I saw feeding frenzy of pelicans, a black duck I am  not familiar with, and sea gulls flying all around. It was next to the bridge and I could not take a shot. I think we see less migration in the fall than in the spring.  The waterfowl seems to go further west and fallows the Missouri River down to the gulf.  My plastic geese will be carried into the garden shed.

Thanks for checking in on my post today. Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. The last time our yard was marked I took photos! It is cold here, it may get your way soon. That Pothos plant is either too dry or too wet...either one will yellow the can always cut it back:)
