Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10th.....

A new ornament on display with all its amazing parts.  The ring at the bottom holding angels and shepherds can be moved or turned to change the scenes in front of the main design.

The grocery store plant had a branch of agapanthus in it. I was so surprised to see it in there but I am sure they pick it early and it eventually blooms out as it is sold in the flower market. The whole bouquet seemed better looking when it was bunched together but most of it was tall and thin pieces when I got it into a vase.

My wife’s doll collection are all in a bunch sharing the spotlight under the tree. The Christmas dolls are still in a closet and I will bring them out today.  My wife got a new doll from her mom every Christmas.  When we married I started the same tradition for about 25 years.  I got to a point that i couldn’t find them for sale for a while as the Victoria dolls went out of style.

We are going to have to start shopping this week as we ship our family gifts to Maine, Illinois and Winterset, Iowa.  We like to work on one batch at a time so it isn’t so overwhelming.  Buying grandkids toys is alway fun and yet difficult.  When they have a lot of toys we want to buy something that they just don’t have. Our guys are approaching 6 years and 3 years in the next few months.

Our morning looked like this and we are promised to start a warming trend for the week. At one time when I was outside with Barney I could see pink vapor trails on the jets but it never looked pink on the horizon.

 Our oldest son turns 43 years old today.  Andy and his wife have the two boys and they are going to have another child in April. He is moving into that busier family life than ever. He was born in a small hospital called Grape Community and it was in a small town of Hamburg, Iowa.  It is located in the farther most southwest corner of Iowa. Driving south was Missouri and driving west you would be in Nebraska. That 43 years has sure gone by quickly.

Everyone have  great day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Birthday to your Andy...he is the same age as our youngest Jen. I think it is easier to shop for little kids! You will have a good time on your search:)

  2. Your new Jim Shore piece is just beautiful! :)

  3. As the grandchildren gets older (not that ours are all that old) it can be harder to think of unique presents. We did not want to buy toys as we've done in past years and instead we bought several gift certificates to activities like ice skating, trampoline, roller blading, as well as some art books and a small bluetooth speaker for the 12 year old grandson. It made the shopping a lot easier this year and we also included some small items like a personalized ornament and key fob and a backpack light. You may have to wait a few years as your guys are still young. Congrats to your son on his birthday and also to your family on the future new family member.
