Friday, January 25, 2019

Freezing Friday.....

You should have seen it fifteen minutes before this photo was taken.  The ripples in the clouds were all pink and white in wavy colors.  When I was a kid we had a picture puzzle that was of a Wyoming sky with the horse and cowboy in the foreground.  The view was of a Wyoming sky.

I had a flock of starlings fly through the backyard for a short period of time in the afternoon.  A blogger friend from across the ocean was posting her shots of a starling just yesterday.  I guess the starlings are everywhere.

My numbers at my feeders really have not increased very much.  With all the snow cover I would have thought there would be more. I read about birds when my cockatiel was sick.  The birds have warm blood and when the get cold they convert all of the energy from what they are eating to heating up their blood. When they are n to trying to keep warm, they use the energy to grow. So when it is really cold they do hit the feeders to help them warm themselves.

My wife and I just ordered some new plant stands to go into this corner. I will share the two with you when the arrive and are set up for use.  They were on the internet and they will help fill that space next to the window.  The amaryllis is now sprouting out leaves after it finished blooming. It is at the foot of the chair leg.

Snow is still on the rooftops around here. This was the decoration ontop of my garden shed at the old place.  It had rotted at its base so I removed it.  I will rework this and make it a garden feature. I have a   carved decorative piece that screws on the top of the peak. Those are real shingles on the roof of it.  I originally made it in our art gallery inside while the garden shed was being made and added it when the shed was done.  We will be snowed in today again.  It was 5 degrees F. this morning when we got up. Barney and I did well since the winds have stopped. Yesterday the wind tried to knock us both over while we were outside.   There really isn’t any sunshine yet and we may later see that.

Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. Pretty sky. Thankful you and Barney did not have the wind to deal with on this morning's walk. I always love to see your indoor plants. I look forward to seeing your new stands. The topper will make a great garden feature. Have a good day.

  2. Cold Cold Cold! -15 this morning here in Wellman... without the wind chill! I don't know how the outside cat is going to make it! Hope he shows up tomorrow for his chow. If he dares to leave his warm spot..

  3. Well I won't tell you how cold it was here this morning. Brace yourself for a blast of cold air. I think it broke some records. Stay warm:)
