Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday’s Things......

The final steps are to bring back the plants. An empty chair does not seem to fit the bill in comparison to a large tree. All of the things are in the basement and most of it has been stored on shelves. Angels and villages will stay out for a while longer as they are not in any way of our normal life.

There was an organized sunrise this morning with scattered clouds adding to the view. One lone jet is out marking the sky with its vapor stream. We have had a lot of cloud cover but not today.  I can even see the day moon in the opposite direction. I didn’t take a shot of the moon because I seem to be overloaded with moon shots.

The snow still coats the tree. Today the winds are blowing the tree back and forth.  We had a minor spell of melting on the sides of the house where the sun could warm the surface but it was not warm enough to melt anywhere else.

Our youngest son turned 40 years old yesterday.  His wife had made him a beautiful birthday cake with nuts and a layer of peanut butter filling between chocolate cake. I think there was some carmel involved too with the topping. Even though he is 40 we sent him a Star Wars card with all the characters popping out at you in the card. He lives in Maine and their weather is varied from the rest of the state because of the closeness of the Atlantic Ocean.  He and his wife live about a mile from the shore of a bay. They don’t always get the blizzards when the rest of the inland areas of the state does.

My wife said she thought the bird must be wanting to go inside to keep warm.  It is too early for them to be nesting.  I have never seen this before but maybe he is looking for a business investment opportunity with the company that supplied the birdhouse. Sparrows and Juncos seem to be the largest flocks that hang around.  There are a couple of house finches out there but not so many as usual.

The snow still clings to the siding as it had been blown up against the house yesterday. The morning was busy on Wednesday as everyone was out clearing things. Young men who stayed home with the kids because school was closed, used the day off to get things done.  Later afternoon a crew of five stopped by and cleared the drive of the neighbor who lives in the south over winter. He gets his walk partially cleared by me as the kids do have to walk on it before and after school.  I saw my two guys who walk by in the morning being driven by mom in the van this morning. I did see the other young guy who goes up the hill to meet the bus walking and almost running because it was so cold. I have never met that guy because he walks on the other side of the street. Barney and I usually are out there as they walk to school.

No major plans for today with the day getting colder and colder.  I may make a quick run over the way to get some groceries.  It is only a mile distance by car and probably closer by the way the crow flies. It is a perfect location where we can get to it easily and we don’t live around all the hustle bustle. We are in a our own little corner of the city.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Everyone take care.


  1. Pretty sunrise to greet you this morning. Your tree is gorgeous with the snow, but boy, does it look cold! Happy birthday to your youngest son. That cake his wife made sounds decadent. I bet it is pretty where they live. My mom always wanted to visit Maine in the Autumn.
    So thankful your home is close to the store for quick runs during frigid weather. You and Barney be careful out walking. I wish you and Della a nice evening.

  2. Yes the chair hardly does justice to that corner after the tree:)
