Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday’s Final Finish for Today.......

I am ready for spring.  I know that snow is heading our way but I would like to skip all of it. It wasn’t so extremely cold this morning but it is still cold.  I look over at this peony bed and am wishing to see the 30 tulips that I planted in there.  It will be their first time blooming and a surprise to a lot of people.

This flower seems to not be bothered by extreme freezes as it has had that off and on the past weeks.  I am thinking it is one that belongs to the carnation family.  I can’t think of its real name but I know that they are suppose to winter over for spring.  Pinks is another word for them.  I haven’t cleared this flower bed yet as I would like to see the shapes of the dead flowers in the snow.  I have spikes in there that are completely dead and gone. The leaves have accumulated in the bed which was a good thing.

I rambled on and on yesterday about the tall two story house.  This morning the light was just right and I could get a shot of it from the front door steps. The foreground house is a two story and the one behind it also is a two story.  The difference is that the basement with a walk out door is almost ground level.  The people will have to walk up some stairs to get to the first floor. I see that it isn’t shingled yet. The foreground house sits in Ankeny and the the newer house sits in Saylorville.  They seem to be working on things that don’t put out much carpenter noises right now.  When the shingle we will definitely here the popping sounds of nail guns.

I took down the two trees in the spare bedroom that have all of the glass blown ornaments.  I have a lot of these kind but I really don’t see this kind for sale anymore. They use to have packets of a dozen but I think they have stop making them for now.  They have changed the market for them by selling them larger and by the single ornament.  They are painted with similar kinds of paint so you can’t tell if they are glass blown or plastic.

I now have about four boxes of these with double layers of ornaments per box. I bought a set of plain smaller balls for the trees but I can see I need to just stop doing that. The styles of them have changed a lot as I collected.  Modern soldiers to birdhouse have been added to the kinds that the make. A whole collection of different snowmen and santas is one of the themes that seems to prevail.

I have a streetlight right below the moon so my camera is struggling. I am going to probably walk down the street a little way to correct that.  I like the challenge.

It has been a busy morning today and I am ready for a couple of days off. Two more trees down and taken to the basement and all the boxes of ornaments are on their shelves now in the storeroom area.  My outside decorations are all downstairs now and things are looking pretty plain out there.

I hope all is well with everyone today. Thanks for checking in on this post.


  1. Can't wait to see all your spring/summer blooms. Is that one plant Dianthus or Sweet William? (also known as Pinks)
    We are due to have a wintery mix this weekend too, as are many blog friends. I have stocked up on food and cat and dog food for the next few days.
    You are making great progress storing the Christmas decorations. I know you will be glad not to be making so many trips to the basement.

  2. Your green plant is most likely some kind of Dianthus or "Pinks" as they are call. Love your ornament shots! They looks pretty even in their boxes. :)
