Thursday, January 10, 2019

Picking a Theme.....

I have three different kinds of things that I can blog about today and it seems silly not to save a few things back for another day.  A fellow blogger wanted me to shoot the moon so to speak and I did do that.  I also have two kinds of birds showing up today.  So I have some photos to share the next few days.

The moon doesn’t come into view for me, or I am not looking at the right time, but is out in the afternoon. Evidence of not noticing the moon is demonstrated by this photo.  Do you find the moon in the shot?  I saw the vapor stream first before I realized that it was in view.

I did a filter job on this shot to darken the sky so the textures are seen more easily.  I think when the moon becomes larger in its phase that there will be more meat on the bones for my to photograph.  The camera is straining to get the shot.
We were out last night and the moon was still out there but covered with a few thin clouds.

At the house at the bottom of the street, things run east and west.  When you head up from that street coming our way it goes straight north for a fourth of a block then immediately the street runs 45 degrees  to the northwest.  That turning makes our house turned and the direction causes me to lose site of the horizon pretty quickly.  When we traveled into the valley south of us,  early evening  I noticed it was still high in the sky and to the east much farther than I expected. My hill of houses across the street blocks the view.

Looking out my my front door,  the moon is showing up at four in the afternoon. It was a cold day yesterday but it did seem a little less cold as the wind had slowed some.

Because the house is at a twist we do get a lot of solar heating in the winter tome. My wife's art studio is very well lighted in the day time, better in the afternoon. As I shared with my furnace man, the room across the hall from the thermostat messes with the system as it warms up the room and the thermostat in the hall so we have to shut the door to regulate the heating system.  I don’t think there ever is a perfect set up for thermostats and where they are placed.

I mentioned earlier about the bottom of the hill, and behind that row of houses a new whole development is almost completed. That development is actually is not in our town but in one named Saylorville.  One last house was started in November and it is roofed but not completely sided.  That house was placed crooked to the world also.  It is at the end of a street.  It sits in a location where the owners can pick a route to go out of their place.  Two streets left or right they can take away from their place heading west.  The house is only a two story but the basement is built so much out of the ground that it has a three story appearance. It looks really tall compared to all the houses near it.  They squeezed that  house i to their schedule because the weather could have been bad for them to build it. The lucked out and it is in the ground and up in the air already.

I am ready to face Thursday and will get to it.  More decorations come down and I have a trip to the grocery store to make.  Small amount of groceries and things for Barney to eat.  It will not be crowded in the morning.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. No kidding about the cold. That Wind Chill cuts right through you. Today has been MUCH better with the Sun and lack of wind. Still kind of cold though. I'm impressed you can take those moon shots during the day. Mine NEVER turn out... even at night. I doub I could have captured it a couple of days ago even without a tree bothering the focus.
