Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Middle of the Week.....

Yes, it must be a squirrel feeder. He comes walking along on the tops of the fences to get here and dashes across the backyard to reach our deck stairs. He messes with all of the feeders just in cane the seed is better in one than another.  It all comes from the same bag.

What is missing in this setting?  The teddy bear tree comes down first. It is fun to have it there and now it is good to have the space back as we take the dog in and out of the front door.

I had a man this morning here to check out my furnace.  I had not had it check since we moved to the place.  Furnace people do like to sell furnaces so they don’t hesitate to tell me that the thing is 15 years old and the efficiency of a new one should be considered to improve my heating bill. I did understand that the builder did cut costs when buying the lesser one but I am fine for now. I did find out that the air conditioner was replaced recently.  The furnace guy was a nice guy and he was very thorough as I did pay for that service.

It was good to clean up the areas around the furnace and it made me organize things better in the workroom/storage room. As I take down more decorations I can find empty boxes easily to match with the items needing to be put away.

I took this last night.  It is the sliver of the moon looking far west.  It was behind a birch tree and the branches kept it from focusing.  So I got this layered, pattern repeat of the moon.  I could of walked up the street to get the picture in a clearing but it was too COLD!!!!!  The forty mile winds made a very bad wind chill, blowing the cold air through all of your clothes.

The subtle cumulus cloud was interesting to see in the sky view today.  It was so light that it almost can not be seen. I had three different jet vapor streams going on to the right of this but it didn’t end up being a very good photo.

I am not spending as much time as I should to get good blog pictures.  It just has not been happening, so my photos seem to me to be pretty mediocre.   I will try to work on that and see if I can get some more interesting things to shoot.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Tomorrow morning one of those jet trails will be us returning to the frozen north. Aloha one last time.

  2. Cold and windy here too but nothing like what you are experiencing. Often a home looks bare when the Christmas trees first come down. Good news that your A/C has been replaced. Glad your current furnace is working fine now.
    That's a fun photo of the moon.
