Wednesday, January 23, 2019

One for Now.......

My wife saw the "red one" through the living room window and I grabbed the camera.  I can’t tell if the bird is actually in focus but he didn’t stay for long.  You can be sure that if he returns I will snap many shots.

The geese in the snow shows us that we did get a lot of snow. They have gained six to eight inches of snow on top of them.

This is a meager amount of snow compared to the ones who live north of us, but this is the most that we have received this winter. I had fun again today blowing out the drive with my little snow blower. The two neighbors above on our row have the big blowers.  It just takes me a little bit longer than them but I think I look like I am having more fun.

Gary is doing the sidewalk above us after I was done.  His wife is in the hospital with two new knees so he left for awhile before he came back to finish. While he was gone the city push sow back into his drive. I think I have said this before but I love blowing snow.

Barney was funny this morning when we first went outside.  I took my shovel with me to help him out when we first went out.  He didn’t even try to walk in the high snow but lay down on his belly and watched me scoop.  I shoveled the snow out all around him leaving him on a mountain of snow.  Once I had scooped a lot of it I had to help him get up onto his feet and then he was fine. It is the only yard in the neighbor hood where there are paths scooped for an old dog to use.  He loves to walk around the raised flower bed area so I have it scooped around it and he walks around it in circles.

He takes the rest of the morning to rest up for his next trip outside.  He has decided to not eat breakfast.  He use to get two small amounts at meal time and a large supper.  Barney always likes to mix up the routines.  He eats with a little more interest at lunch time now that he doesn’t eat breakfast but at supper time he is ready to eat the bowl. We did get his weight down a lot with measured precise amounts but he does get cooked white meat chicken mixed in to his dry food to make it more desirable. I would say he is cutting back but then his supper time shows he still is going to eat.  The smell of a roast does get him excited too and he does get a little of that instead of chicken.

Most schools are closed today because of all of the snow. We really have no need to get out but we could if we wanted to do so.  Our temperatures are dropping now after the snowfall and single digit temperatures are in order for a few days. There are now two new violets.  They are inspiring on the inside while it is so cold and white outside.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I love this shot of the Cardinal! For this Southern girl, that is a lot of snow. Barney looks like he is enjoying his rest. Your violets are just beautiful. I hope you will stay safe and warm.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of snow compared to our dusting :)
    I watched a flock of Red Cardinals in the garden this morning, they stood out boldly against the white landscape....
    Barney is happy to stay warm and cozy !

  3. I am glad we did not get any more this time around...

    I always think of the cardinal as a Sharp Dressed man!

  4. You are taking good care of Barney, we used to shovel paths for an old dog also. I am jealous of your very pretty. :)
