Saturday, February 16, 2019

Cold Glow.....

The sun may be hot but our air is at 3 degrees F.  Fortunately there is now wind and by late evening we will warm up enough for it to snow.

I bought some more suet for this guy but he still had plenty.  Maybe next week he will be ready for the new peanut butter one that I bought for him.

I didn’t take a lot of photos as Barney didn’t approve. I think he had fears cause by his running the streets in a Missouri town before he was captured.  I did find some fun shotss that showed him excited about being out in the snow.  He was younger in this photo and you can tell by his tail that he really was having a good time.  This is a fun photo as he couldn’t see me taking the shot.

He was always alert to be sure he didn’t miss a thing that was going on outside.

I always like the fullness of his tail and that thick fur.  He has been gone a week now and we still are adjusting to his loss.  The guy lived a full life and really did get to live a great life.  I keep being amazed as to how God places time limits on the lives of animals.  I know that different dog breeds have different lengths in life and Barney did live longer than some border collies.

We are off today running some errands that relate to a grandson's 6th birthday.  It is unbelievable that he is going to be six and yet he has a little brother that will turn three.  As the boys grow up the gifts for birthdays change. We have fun picking out toys for them. In April we will have a new grandchild to be celebrating.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How very wonderful to be expecting a new grandchild. Ella turned 6 in Jan. and it is amazing how fast she is growing up! Brother Larry is finding it hard to keep up with Ella and Cole and their busy schedules!
    Thanks for sharing these adorable pics of Barney. I wish you both a pleasant evening.

  2. I'm so sorry about barney, he was beautiful. I see you are really taking care of this Downy woodpecker. You will have to let us know how he likes the peanut butter treat.

  3. Yes the Border Collie fluffy tail that would catch twigs and burrs ! Good to see photos of your Barney when he was younger and enjoying life!
    AJ is going to be six already...time sure goes by fast! Seems like only yesterday he was born:)
