Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday’s Here......

It was a struggle to get a good sunrise.  All the clouds seem to be hovering over the area. It is a zero degrees and warmed up to 3 degrees F. by noon.

There were some pretty colors at the edge of all that was going on on the horizon. It just did not get very dramatic.

One of the frame jobs that was on the list is now completed. The photograph is of a very large painting in the Kansas City art museum.  Our friend knew that it was one of my wife’s favorite paintings and so he photographed it and gave here a print of the photo. We have to decide where we can hang this.  The opening of the frame is 18” by 24” in size.

The painting was done by Frederic Church.  It is a huge painting, seven feet wide,  that takes up the whole wall of one of the rooms in the Nelson-Adkins Art Museum. The view is of Jerusalem showing great detail of the city. It was painted in 1870. It is said that the artist and his wife camped there at the Mount of Olives and he sketched and photographed to give him reference s to create the artwork.

This snow all melted away yesterday off of the tree. It dropped to extreme cold late afternoon but we did get rid of some of this.

We are staying inside today as it is very cold and will maybe warm up a little tomorrow.  We have a coat of ice on the streets now as the melting in the morning yesterday was refrozen into large patches of ice and rough surfaces.

It is Friday and the weekend is coming.  I wish you all to have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Be Careful on the ice! Stay warm! I am willing Spring to come early!
