Sunday, February 17, 2019

Snow and More Snow.......

It has snowed all night and you can see how tall the snow is on the roof of the feeder. The camera actually picked up the larger flakes. The birds are trying to eat during the heavy snow.

The drift on the deck is twenty inches or more as the wind has place more snow there than a normal measured area would be. I will try to put a measuring stick in it later today when it stops snowing.  We really are told that it isn’t going to stop snoring for most of the night.

My one way to measure the amount of snow is to see when the raised garden has been completely covered and also comparing the amounts on the blue spruce.  This was taken earlier in the morning.

This shows the build up on the tree.  The birds are still landing inside the tree and scatter snow when the fly out of it. I have yet to hear an official total from the officials.  We stayed home today as the Sunday school was canceled today.  We can watch our church service on tv as it is live streamed. It was cozy to watch the service while seeing the snow accumulating and the woodpecker feeding.

We did get the framing done of our new photo.  It took awhile to figure out where and how to hang it but we did get it accomplished. We ended up moving the past mantel picture to another location. We haven’t hung pictures quickly as we still would like to live in the house for a while to know where to put things.

I was down stairs to take a photo out the windows and when I turned I saw this sight.  The room had earlier been full standing fake Christmas trees. They were wrapped in old sheets waiting for me to move them on to the store room.  I should of taken a photo as it was a bedroom full of trees.  Anyway, I see I still have some nutcrackers to get put away sitting among my wife’s dolls.

Hey, thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all are safe and warm.


  1. The snow missed us! Looks like you really got dumped on. Stay warm:)

  2. We only got just enough snow to cover the ground...and I am quite content with that. The room full of shrouded Christmas tree would have made a great photo.

  3. I can just imagine the birds flying out of that tree and scattering the snow. Thankful you could watch church from the safety and warmth of your home today.

  4. p.d. I forgot to say how much I love the new framed artwork above the fireplace.
