Thursday, February 14, 2019

Red Day.......

                                                                                                                                           We stopped at a Culver’s yesterday to pick up sandwiches.  We ended up sitting by a group of older men who looked like a coffee clutch group but they too had eaten sandwiches.  This photo reminded me of them as the ate and talked the weather and such. The one cardinal showed up here but didn’t stay very long.  He was gone by the time that I turned on the camera.

I do have evidence that he was there as I got the shot of him hanging out in the tree way beyond the blue spruce. I have not seen a female with this guy so he must be a loner. That pussy willow tree almost looks like it is budding even though it is February.
I recall last summer that the house finches had three batches of birds and they were all at my feeders.  This one kept walking the railing looking for something better as he surveyed the area. The sun is shining today and the temps are forecasted to be up in the lower 40’s. It has started melting this morning and that temp is higher than what they were expecting yesterday. I will be glad to see some of the snow go away.  I do know we are to drop into the deep freeze then again soon.

Across the street we can see the suburbs of children’s play houses.  The newer one in front is there for two cute little boys.  Since they have moved here the littlest one learned to walk and I can see him running around behind the car to get to the back car door in the morning. The other small play house, gray, is in the opposite back yard and I think those kids are too old now to play in it.

Barney and I use to greet two other boys in early morning as they walked to school.  The older guy really grew in height in the summer and he was so pleased that I had noticed.  They both have such great smiles and both waved at me earlier this week while I was snow blowing.  The younger guy always stopped to pet Barney on his way to meet the school bus. I am not certain but I am thinking that their parents are the ones who walk by in the summer with two bulldogs.

I bought this shot a few weeks ago out on the deck.  The Canada geese keep moving around to find food.  With the lakes frozen over now completely they have to find farm fields to find grain.  We have the constant moving of them because of the big lake four miles away and the Des Moines River Valley not three miles away.  They also like the community college lakes and the others that have been built next to businesses.

I found this shot from my archive, a year ago in February.  We are going out to eat at a Chinese restaurant this evening because everywhere else will be crowded. It is a good place to eat and we like the excellent service.  Living so close to the place makes it easier to eat there once a month or so.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Lovely shots of the birds, winter is so hard on their little bodies.
    Hope you enjoy your Chinese meal, I've cooked, so no going out for us.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours Larry :)

  2. Belated Valentines Day wishes to you and your wife, Larry. Nice story about the young neighbor boys as well. A red cardinal was just right for the date.
