Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Middle of the Road....of the Week.

It is Wednesday and we are having an ice storm.  Large pellets are dropping from the sky and the squirrel is taking shelter.

It lasted seven to ten minutes and it left this on our deck.  When it first started it sounded like a heavy rain on the roof. The squirrel really looked threaten by the downpour of ice and he stayed tightly inside the feeder.

He did eventually escape but he was pelted on his way out of there. I made a quick trip to get groceries this morning and the car was covered with this stuff. The roads were not that slick but I bet that they did become bad. after I got home.

My wishes for all of you is to have a good day. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Stay warm, we had snow today and a blizzard is forecast for tomorrow then it is back to the deep freeze. Your squirrel is fat too!

  2. I'm thankful you made your grocery run safely. More than snow, our area most often gets ice and conditions deteriorate quickly. Poor Mr. Squirrel. Remembering you guys in my prayers.
