Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday’s Things....

It is cold this morning.  We dropped to -6 degrees F. in the night and it won’t warm up very much today. Our next snow session starts at 11:00 tonight.  We will have snow onto of snow when it happens.  That isn’t an unusual thing but we haven’t experienced for quite a while.

This is the second time that I have had to shovel to get to the feeders. My measure of 17 inches still stands.  The drift from the roof snow will probably get deeper after Wednesday.  The birds were glad that I could get out her and fill up the feeders.

My big bird was happy too for my filling up of this feeder.  Since I only have one squirrel I found it is easier to just tolerate him.  I still don’t have the activity at my feeders this year compared to last year. I am thinking that there might be a feeder two backyards over as it seems birds do fly that direction when they leave my place.  My hunter neighbor keeps things thinned out of both rabbits and squirrels. He seems to be very secretive about it but I know he is shooting them.

The back yard is getting to be boring. I am going to start to imagine the plants to come up in the flower garden. We are going to venture out today to get groceries.  Early morning is a better time to shop as the people are at work and the stocking of the shelves took place very early morning.

I wish everyone to have a good day.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I can't believe you are expecting more snow. Glad you could get out to buy groceries. We have had cold rain/wind today and now it is thundering. A good day to stay indoors, for sure.
    Have a nice evening.

  2. Nice moon shot! I keep encouraging the neighbor boy to thin out our squirrels. If we just had one it would be okay but we have nine or ten:(
