Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday Moments.......

He landed on the feeder for about 8 seconds and then flew to the nearby tree.  I zoomed in and got four shots from his being in the tree.

The winds cause the snow to fall from or roof and it landed on the deck.  I found this old yardstick that shows it got up to 17 inches.  I need to shovel a path to get to the feeders this afternoon.

We have never seen this drift here on the deck like this before now. I guess it was why I wanted to measure it. When I shovel the path to get to the feeders this won’t look so nice. We did get 9 inches of snow in total and it really was too tall for my little snow blower.  I guess I should have gotten out earlier and blew it off before it got to hight.  Then I could go back again.  There was a layer of ice underneath it.  As long as I had a hold of the snowblower, I didn’t fall down.  When I went out with salt for the sidewalks, I did fall down. I actually just lay down in the snow in slow nothing which was a better way to fall.

As we drove to my dentist office this morning we saw many trees that looked like this. The roads were good but some areas were slick. I had my teeth cleaned and then they suggested that I have a vertical filling put in along a tooth that was with a cavity.  I am trying right now to drink coffee with my top lip still frozen and the bottom lip mostly thawed out.  I could see how someone like me who could burn out my mouth with very hot coffee.  I think that within another hour I will be back to normal.

As I searched through archives for photos of Barney I noticed that I had taken photos of my wife’s wonderful pies.  She made a cherry pie yesterday while I was out snow blowing. My wife makes the best pie with the greatest pie crust.  There are two pieces out of it and I bet today two more will be removed and eaten.

It is a sunny day today but it is still cold.  I am going to stock up the feed again as the birds are really hungry today.  We are told that another snow will start late Tuesday night lasting through Wednesday.  I don’t really know where we are going to put this snow but we seem to always adapt. I am looking so forward to spring these days.  Thank you for checking in today.


  1. Beautiful cardinal photos.
    And a beautiful pie too! Crusts are what make or break a pie. I use an old family recipe (probably from a recipe book of my grandmother's long ago)and no others come close. Biscuits too. After my father's mother tasted them she never made her own again! It wasn't a compliment to my mother's cooking, she had her nose out of joint about it!
    Only two pieces gone? I'd have had some for breakfast!

  2. The cardinal is beautiful against the snow. I'm sorry you fell; hope you won't be sore. Thankful you made a safe trip to the dentist. I know the birds are loving the food you share. Have a pleasant evening.

  3. You got snow! Yes we will get hit tonight or in the morning:( I am tired of snow too.
