Thursday, April 11, 2019

Windy Day.......

Daffodils are hard to photograph on the indoors. I can do pretty well when they are in the garden but the thiin petals let a lot of light shine through them.  The batch of flowers originated at my parents home and I brought some to our old place.  They didn’t bloom well this year but the winter was a tough one.

An afternoon shot with the sun peeking through the clouds. We have a reverse on our warm weather and the sun doesn’t hang around much with lots of clouds being up above.  It is cold now for the second day in a row.

The downy wears his accent stripe with pride. The side feathers have a great pattern as if they had been painted on by an artist.

The cardinal keeps coming back for more. I took a lot of photos of him and I have to keep checking to see if I am not repeating one. I posted the one with try skillet on Facebook recently and I had a lot of questions about using that. I guess if they would join by blog world they would know why I do use it once in a while.
I complain about buying things that were made in China. I think if we could make it in America, we should. My wonderful large cage for the cockatiels is great but it had to have been made in China.  I thought the same would be happening with this end table.  It was not made in China.  It was made by a company in Wisconsin and shipped to me via Chicago .  I think the company does its job of helping to sell through Wayfair. It has a wonderful top made of hard wood and the rest is done will lesser hardwoods. It turned out to be a good product shipped in five days and had some assembly of legs and side. It was made in the USA.

The cold air is harsh but it doesn’t seem to bother the hibiscus. I don’t think they will be around much longer but some of the tulips are ready to take their place.

It is Thursday and Friday is a’comin. I hope all will have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love seeing all the birds that visit your feeders Larry, such a variety !
    Yes....windy here today too, the birds were flying side wards.

  2. Buy American and buy local avoiding the Big Box stores in Rochester is my refrain. I'm even worried about some of the smaller big box stores as Amazon and Google appear to be ready to take over everything....:(

  3. It was in the mid 80's here today and the pollen has been terrible. I'm glad you are pleased with your USA made table. It's very pretty and just right for coffee while you are reading or to rest the remote on for the tv. We drove to my hometown today (my grave marker was installed) and wanted to view it before paying. We also visited the church where my great-great grandparents are buried; the azaleas were in full bloom. Your Downy woodpecker is amazing. God surrounds us with such beauty!

  4. Cold here too and windy and snowing :( Hope you will have a good day and warm up so you can send it North:)

  5. Cheryl said I was supposed o get up to 65! I'm not sure where she got her weather info, but I think she should find another. Terribly windy on this side of the state. And cold and rainy as well. At least the Daffodils are coming up here too! Finally!

  6. I also try to look for made in America whenever possible, Larry. The table is very nice and it looms like mission style which is the same as a few pieces we have in the apt.
