Wednesday, April 24, 2019


This changed quickly as the one person preceded to cut the deck and all of its supports apart and put them in his truck.

Looking down through our dining room window you can see my old potters wheel, the garden shed, and the last of the deck.

Same shot with a different window view.  It has been a noisy process but it is now all gone.

Last night's view is a bleak looking one. We had to leave to take the car for an oil change and when we returned everything was done and cleaned up for today’s work. I was told that a large crew will be here today to start assembling things. A board that will support the floor is being drilled onto the house right now.

On a side note, I found out that they stopped making Buick Lacrosse cars for forever.  I don’t like SUV vehicles and I really don’t know what I will ever buy again now. I just like cars. My Buick has such low mileage that maybe I can just drive it for forever.
I am thinking that this looks a lot more serious with some hefty lumber in the back yard.

Another load is ready to be used in the front drive.

Projecting poles will be raise to the right height to support the outside edge of the room.  The young boys did a good job getting them all screwed into the ground.

My peony-like tulips are blooming right now. They are great looking flowers once the do finally get all unfolded.  In certain light conditions they do have a pink color.  The camera didn’t pick that up here in this photo.

This photo shows this one being pink in color.  We have appointments today and will be out and about for a while. The day is cool but it is going to warm up.  I appreciate you stopping by today.


  1. It's always interesting seeing the work that goes into building projects.

    Love your tulips. Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  2. The work is coming along nicely and they are neat with their work. Too bad about your car model being discontinued. I drive a Torrent Pontiac that is 11 years old. I have not had any problems with it and the mileage is very low....I keep saying maybe I will never have to buy another car! lol
    Your tulips are the most beautiful I've seen.
