Thursday, April 18, 2019

Twisted Weather....

The day starts out looking like this.  The sun glow was bright along the horizon but it was not to be seen.

Ten minutes later from the top shot the sun burst through those clouds.  It was spectacular and looked like we were going to have a bright sunny day.

Then a half hour later it all fell back into place as being a very cloudy day. It is 44 degrees F. right now and I don’t think it will get to be much better.
I shared this on my photo blog today also.  It was so cold that the tulips are not open.  I will see if I an retake it later. If we warm up enough for them to open up by this afternoon I can share their true colors  I have a couple of other plantings that are not open yet but will be in a few days.  The bubls I planted last fall. around the peony bushes are all up and I counted 34 tulips.  I don’t like planting them but I do like seeing them so I just push myself to get them in the ground. Barney was still with us while I planted those and he watched me putting in the bulbs.

Our neighbors' new dog is an Australian cattle dog.  I have seen them in dog shows but never in real life.  He is a sweet guy or girl running up and down the deck steps so he can watch me from above when I am in the backyard.  I don’t know how old the dog is but the two of them are giving it a lot of care as the stay outside with it often through the day. Across the way is a neighbor that has a Boston terrier. I rarely hear him barking but we can see through the way how he darts around playing with the twin girls and two or three other boys. The terrier and the cattle dog are on opposite sides of the fence.

I spent some time with a salesman again yesterday.  I did want to have a company treat and fertilize the yard for the summer.  I don’t want to do it myself.  I didn’t ask them to come to the door but I had lots of questions before I signed up and prepaid. When they call on the phone I usually just say no but yesterday seemed like a good time to talk to a real person about it.  I won’t have to worry about that part of it and maybe I will be able to get the mowing done. I didn’t inherit a yard in very good shape.  I moved dirt into some areas where I actually have grass growing now. If I see marvelous changes with the quality of the grass I will continue the company. If not I will stop next year.

We were out on a couple of errands yesterday afternoon and we got caught in flooding street water.  I had to change lanes and bypass the whole freeway to feel safe with all the rain. The road was a slant so the right lane was funneling all the excess water on that side and a row of a dozen cars didn’t know what to do.  I moved to the next lane over as I didn’t want trouble with the engine. It was worth the  extra driving time to get away from it. My wife’s friend called while we were out telling us were having a hail storm at our house.  I didn’t see any evidence of it but the dark black clouds looked like they could produce one.

Hoping all is well with you out there today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice photos of the sun and then clouds and the moon. We had a very cloudy day rain yet. I'm thankful you did not see damage from hail. We once had a great company to weed and feed our yard. It was well worth the money. We have very little grass here and J has an elec. lawn mower (afraid to use gasoline with his narcolepsy) How frightening to be caught in the flooding. That is a sweet memory that Barney was with you as you planted the tulip bulbs. We went to the old house today and dug up a few more plants to bring here. As we planted them this afternoon, the neighbor dog watched us. She is so busy. She "belongs" to everyone on the street! lol (she really does have an owner but she is just super friendly!) I hope you both have a nice night.

  2. Pretty Tulips! Your Fall planting was worth it. Our neighbors have an Aussie friendly dogs they are, my parents had a number of Boston Terriers...they can be neurotic! :)
    It will be interesting to see how your lawn does. Take photos:)
