Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Daily Report.....

The hosta is on the south side of the house and it is warmer there. It is projecting its roots down through the hole that I dug below all of those rocks.  I think I put a spade full of soil in the hole to encourage its growth.

It is getting close to cobbler time with these stems getting large enough for eating. I still have three plantings of this from a previous owner.  I had dug out one of them to give away and stray roots have developed into a full plant again.

It got quiet out there where the carpenter was working in the afternoon.  We had heard the sounds of parts of our roof being removed and also the next layer of floor was glued and nailed down.  The reason it was quiet was the guy was unloading all the windows and door from their boxes. The door is going to allow us to go out on the deck. If the rain stays light to a sprinkle, we will see the shell of the sunroom going up today. The rain front seems to be just below us and I think that work can be done.

Randy, the carpenter, said the electricians are schedule to come on Friday so he will have to have the room done by Thursday. It is getting exciting.  If the coordination works out we could have the carpet down on next Monday. I have to work in the garage to get the one wall cleared of garage stuff so the electricians can work. I have an attic access to clear away also in the garage.

I shared this on my Photo a Day blog. I didn’t expect the steps to be so impressive. Having the deck made of cedar, it does make sense the steps would be made up of the same.  White railings will go on everything.

We are still on a baby watch.  It could be today or tomorrow. We are keeping our telephone lines clear and also check the internet mail often. Mom and dad plus two boys will have a new member in their family soon.

I mowed the backyard yesterday after the carpenter went home.  I am glad that I did as it was needing to be done. I mowed around the clutter of the work going on in the yard and did get most of it done. The lawn treatment people are waiting for it all to clear out so they can put down the treatment over the entire yard. I didn’t make it to the old place to get the yard done yesterday because I couldn’t get the truck out of the garage. I will go on Wednesday as it is to be a clear warm day then.  I will be plowing through with the mower the tall grass up there.  My mowing person from last year moved away over the winter.

I transplanted six old fashion peonies last fall and five out of six have survived. I would wish that they would bloom this year but I doubt they will.  You can sort of see them here in front of the shared garden between me and the neighbor. If they mature they should make a great row of shrub growth in front of the area.

My trial garden of all the transplanted iris should look good this year. I originally planned to move things out of the temporary garden area but that will have to wait for another year. The building that is going on right now is opening up new areas for garden spots.

I have household chores to do today so will be busy.  Our spring rains are spotty all day so I may get the front yard mowed today.

I wish everyone well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such pretty hostas. I sure hope your rain will be light and not delay the building progress. Those cedar steps are so nice. Very attractive. It will be fun for you and Della to decorate the sun room. Praying for mom and baby - keep us posted about the birth.
    I'm sorry your yard man at the old house moved away. I know now how exhausting 2 yards to keep up can be. I am learning as workmen come and go from here to move my car to the street first thing in the a.m. so I don't get trapped!!!

  2. Fun to see the progress on your sunroom! :)
