Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Going Up......

One day this week we had a sunny day and the tulips look pretty washed out in the sunlight.  We have not see sun for a very long time.  Today is to be a dry day but a cold and cloudy one.

It rained all day Tuesday so the work was stopped all day. The track for the new sunroom was laid the day before but today we have two workmen building the walls. I keep seeing parts going by in the lower window.  We here drilling and banging as they attach things to the house and the floor.  The electricians are suppose to be on Friday so Randy said they needed to hustle to get it done.  I am not thinking the weather will be very good tomorrow so they may put in a long day.

The one window and the track are all history now as the men have out sides and end of the sunroom installed.

It is a veiled view of what is happening.  Through the kitchen window we can see two guys putting it all together.  It was like a giant jigsaw puzzle that fits tougher very quickly.

Needless to say, we are excited.  The roof will go on next as the metal, covered with plastic, ridgepole is attached to our roof. I am sure they are trying to get the place sealed up quickly before tomorrows rains.

I am off this morning to mow what I couldn’t do yesterday. Thank you for stopping by today.

I amended the blog with this shot that I caught this morning. It is looking good and they are putting it together quickly.

1 comment:

  1. The sun room is really coming along. I know you both are so excited. You will be able to enjoy this addition very soon now!
