Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Wednesday’s morning sun really never showed up.  It is there but the clouds are dominating everything today.  I know that it has warmed up as I have been working outside in short sleeves. I know that there are rainstorms predicted but the view of the radar map has changed a lot since the first prediction.

It is kind of a messed up batch of clouds.  We have warm upper 60s and lots of humidity. My yard in the front is getting to the point that it needs to be mowed to even out things.  My neighbor across the street with the birch tree, mowed his yard yesterday morning.

I got this vine cleaned up this morning with lots of trimming and hacking at it to bring it back.  We have a future project going on back here and I wanted this thing cleaned up.  I had another smaller one to do at the other deck pole but it was a ten minute job.  The future job/project is yet to be announced. I worked on some burned up grass from last summer this morning.  I dug out soil and put in clumps of some sod from elsewhere along with purchased black potting soil.  I need more sod but that will happen on another day.

It is the middle of the week. New things that I know about is our one set of neighbors have a new dog.  We are so happy for them.  They had lost their older dog with lots of ailments about three years ago.  They sort of suffered with us while Barney was in such decline.  He talked to me about us getting another dog and I said we just are not going to deal with that for awhile.  I didn’t realize he wanted to talk about he and his wife getting a new dog. He did see some dogs while traveling to Arizona this winter. They are now out in the back yard often  playing with it.  I can’t identify what kind of breed but it is a smaller black one that kept climbing there deck stairs to look over at me working. It is fun to watch them play hide and seek with him around their trees.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your photo of the flower bouquet is absolutely stunning. The light is gorgeous. We've had to cut the grass/weeds twice here so far. I am happy for your neighbor with the new dog. Have a nice evening.
