Friday, May 17, 2019

A Wet Friday......

Thursday evening and a storm is coming. I have to stand in the street to get this shot, which looks west. I can’t find the official numbers of the amount of rain but we did get a large amount of rain. It was one of our barnburner kind of storm with lots of noise, wind, and downpours.

I looked out this morning and everything is still standing.  It does look a little water soaked but I got them in the ground yesterday.  There is a lot of empty space so I will buy more tomato plants. I should have mowed the yard in the back but I can maybe get it done before noon, if it dries out for me.
It is a tortured looking its but I have many buds that will give me better blooms.  I shared the yellow one on my photo a day blog.  The rains will really help them bloom better.  All of the transplanted iris have a least a couple of buds on them.  I should be able to locate where all the varieties are that I planted a couple of years ago. This is an old fashion bloom that really looks good normally.  This one didn’t even have one of its three falls on the flower.

I was correct in being concerned about my Jack in the Pulpit plants.  The guys who put down the foundation for one of the piers walked all around in the area.  One out of three has put out a very fragile pulpit. The other two will come back next spring.  I remember that they get larger than this. I had a lot of lily of valley tromped out also but you can’t kill that kind of plant. I am assuming that this pulpit plant was purchased commercially as these usually grow in the wild in our Iowa timbers.
Our morning was rainy and here is what it looks like now.  I know that the weather people say that we are going to have more rain for a couple of days.
I have five different varieties so far planted in our raised bed.  They had a yellow one that looked good as well as a steak tomato.  I didn’t have one like that last year and really missed having them. I still need to buy a  small pear shaped yellow tomatoes and a regular cherry tomato.  Our friend that lives in the retirement apartments can give them away if we get too overloaded. Last year she went door to door handing them out to here friends.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I cut back this year on tomatoes. I still need the Sungold, my all time favorite cherry, and probably the only one I'd grow if I could only have one. I got an Early Girl, a pretty safe and boring variety! I'm not growing my own from seed like I did last year. Too much work.
    I like your nice neat raised bed.

  2. Those clouds are menacing. Thankful you did not have damage to your yard/home. I do enjoy your irises. We did not plant tomatoes this year but we both love them. It's always a treat for anyone to share extra tomatoes during the growing season.

  3. I know I commented yesterday, but just wanted to come back today and encourage you to participate in Six on Saturday!

    Friday's post had nearly six already! Add in your garden shed move, and some birds, there you have it!

    Hope to see you there some Saturday soon!
