Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday Afternoon.....

New hardy geraniums are ready to be put into the ground.  They look great in the garage right now and it does need to cool down outside before I am going to do any digging.

We bought a variegated dogwood shrub to plant with he geraniums being planter around it.  It will be up by the front yard and front door to make a splash of color along the curved sidewalk.

This planting of iris is really filling in nicely. It probably was one of the first to be planted two years ago. It has a lot of  blooms and has done well.  The very first blooms were damaged by hail.  The falls had been strips torn into them. I am glad that they were not in full bloom then.

One other variety was blooming and they were completely destroyed. The tomato plants were hit a bit but all of them are firmly rooted and will take off with all the rain we had.  The total of 5 inches of rain in a thee day period.

This is an old fashioned variety with its small falls and tall uprights. It is one of my favorites and I can now dig some of it and move it to a new location. I dug one rhizome from the Murray cemetery and after many years of patience it grew into this large sets of plants.

My wife and I were out taking shots of the flowers this morning.  I had to smile as the neighbor lady was watching us all the time from her window above us. She can’t get out as she had her second knee surgery.  When she is out and about I will invite here to come over and look around.

We picked out our sunroom furniture this afternoon.  It is hard to find just what we wanted but we did find a style that looked good.  They wanted to free deliver it on Sunday but we can’t be there for them.  So on Monday they will be delivering the pieces to our garage. We bought two pieces and an ottoman.  That won’t be enough but we will at least have the bare bones of a structure before we add more pieces. We are using the oak antique table for sure and will get a couple of chairs for that. We were pleased with what we had chosen and having them deliver the pieces to our door is wonderful.  You will see photos, of course, in the future.

We are home now for the afternoon.  I am resting up now before I go out and mow the back yard.  It is 80 degree F. right now and I hope it cools a little before I start. The grass is growing quickly with all the rains we have been receiving.  Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. Good Afternoon, I see Ella's new photo. She is changing every precious.
    Your irises are very pretty. I also love the geraniums.
    It is very hot here today also. Watering is a necessity this time of year.
    I look forward to seeing your sunroom furniture.
    Don't get over-heated mowing the lawn.

  2. It needs to cool down for you does it?! Here it needs to warm up!!!

  3. It must have been fun selecting new furniture for your new space, Larry, and will be looking forward to seeing it in place. You granddaughter is a sweetie.

  4. That yellow iris is just stunning! Yeah for furniture!
