Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday is a Hot One....

It is same as before but it satisfying to get a good shot of it. It is not a full moon but it should be soon.

I took on a major project yesterday afternoon.  The gray shed that sits here was emptied and moved.  I inherited the shed from Arlyn the former owner and It does hold all the tools that I use out back. I didn’t really know what I was going to get into but I started by taking everything out of it.
This actually looks a little neater that what it did look like scattered all over the yard. Some of this is what Arlyn left me when he moved away to Boston.  I have lots of steel post that I would share with you if you lived closer.  I did find a nest of baby mice in a bucket which I didn’t know that I had until I was moving things to the moved shed.

I inherited a tiller which I can see now that it is a heavy duty one. I will put it back in the shed so I can remove it to use it more easily. There was a brick platform already created where the shed now sits. The shed was sitting on black dirt.  It looked like he had bought bags of commercial black dirt to put under it originally. I may reuse the black dirt in one of the gardens.

The finished look is this. is shown  I am glad to get it to the far end of the new veranda and not having it sitting in the middle dividing up the space.  I am going to put up a trellis material on the one side so it won’t look so ugly.  On the right side of is the vine on a trellis that covers the view of it.

After it was moved, dragged on boards to the new place, I now have to scrub down the siding that was behind it.  The people were here of thirteen years and i would not know how long they have had it.

I have radishes up now.  The two rows of them plus lettuce is pushing through.  We are going to have rain storms for the next few says so they will enjoy the natural moisture. I am going to put up screens to protect the all from the one stray rabbits that I just saw a couple of days.

I had mentioned the neighbors had a new dog but I was very concerned about it.  I have not seen it in the backyard for weeks.  I was so glad to see the woman was out with the cattle dog and they both were having so much fun.  At first the dog didn’t like the guy and I was concerned that they didn’t keep him.  This morning I saw the happiest dog running around the yard quickly and he looked like he has a smile on his face.  In the other direction is a brown lab that isn’t happy because his owner boxed in the side places in the yard . H can stay fenced in the back yard.  He has been running the streets for a long time.  He doesn’t like being contained but he will get use to it.

I news to close this down for today.  We have carpet layers coming tomorrow to cover a 12 by 16 area.  It shouldn’t take long but we are at the end of the list of things that they are doing tomorrow.  That means we won’t see them until later in the afternoon.  I wish you all to have a good day.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. You got iy moved all by yourself! It looks much better in its new home:)

  2. That is a nice shed for tools that need to be handy to you in the yard. Glad your seeds are coming up. I hope you have rain and not storms over the next few days. Hope the carpet installation goes smoothly.
