Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday Has Begun......

I am motivated to plant a few things this year besides tomatoes.  My neighbor to the northwest has their things like this already planted.  I think I can smooth out an area and get some of this seed into the ground.  I found a package of lettuce seed that has six different varieties in the pack. This is the first planting like this at this new property for me. A woman’s garden down at our corner to the major north and south road, has her tomatoes planted.  We drive by her place often so we will see how they do this early in the year. My neighbors to the northwest also watch her garden to see how things compare.

I always pick up something each year to add to the flower garden areas.  I looked for a stargazer kind of lily but I don’t think these are that kind but they sure do look like them. They are good things to pick up because once they are planted one doesn’t have to do anything else year after year.

This garden is my catchall one.  As I moved things down from the old place they just got placed randomly with no plan.  I could see his morning that all but one iris does have buds on them.  I will eventually organize this better but for now I just want to keep the flowers alive.  I have some lilies coming up here too and the peony that I moved here from the front yard is doing well.  I don’t think I will get a bloom from it this year since it was moved. I am replacing the old windmill type structure with something else.  I can let go of it as it is pretty rugged looking.  My daad has been gone 19 years now and I can let it go now. I have another one just like it up at the old place and I think it will have to go now too.

I planted a few iris back with the red twig shrubs. Can you see the one bud in this photo.  I don’t have a clue what color it will be but I will photograph it to remember where and what it is once it blooms. Two our of those three also have buds on them.  I am hopping the one will just be a little slower in putting out a bud. My mom grew here iris in clay soil in southern Iowa so I know these can grow where they are planted.

We have the drywall workmen coming back today to put on the baseboard and trim around the window and sliding glass door.  I wished that his wood would be already finished but I bet I will get to put the finish on the new oak trim boards.  He is on an open schedule, meaning he finishes a job somewhere else then he will come to our house.  That means we will be tied down all day until he comes and does his job.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I wish everyone to be well. Ah, tomorrow........


  1. I hope we get a raised garden accomplished. I have a plan, I want lettuce too as I love garden lettuce. Your Iris look great! :

  2. What a great yard you have. I love the photos. Thats a fun variety of seeds you purchased. John's kale seeds are doing great. It is interesting to see the diff. flowers popping up here. We have mini pink rose bushes, irises, daylilies from a previous owner. We've planted a lot of lantana and of course, we brought lots of plants from the old house. Your sunroom is looking wonderful. It is frustrating to wait on workmen, for sure. I really wish you and Della a nice Mother's day weekend.
