Thursday, May 9, 2019

Who Forgot to Blog????????

I am looking around my comments to see if a few people had commented on them.  I then noticed that I had not blogged today. It was a distracting day with jobs to do.  Our assignment from one of our trades people to paint a wall. So looking for photos meant that I needed  to take some photos first. Out from my neighbor to the south was washing one of his car’s.  He works circles around me with all his youth.  I think he is four years younger than me.

Out front there is just a gentle breeze.  The flag went through one rain and then I brought it in for a while to dry off.  Today was a completely dry day.

We have had different trades people in to work on the sunroom project.  They are all hired by the main company.  The dry wall person is a very nice person but he has taken advantage of us by not cleaning up from his mess. I guess I leave it to the end he would have to clean it but we would have had to work in that mess today while we painted this wall.

We used a self priming paint on this drywall so we ended up having to only put on two coats. The color we selected actually looks like our house color outside. We don’t have any of this color in the house but it does blend in with all the neutrals that the previous owners had painted the great room.

The heating/cooling room unit is a nice thing to have.  It really warmed up the room quickly as the floor has eight inches of insulation and the ceiling has about the same. We finished the painting this afternoon and I guess that is why I didn’t get my blogging done.  The other thing that distracted me was the buying of baby girls clothes for our new granddaughter.  We got her a teddy bear of her own and all was shipped out this afternoon. Having a girl in the grandchildren line seems strange as we have been buying boy things of almost seven years now.

It has not been a pretty day for us.  It also was very cold.  I returned to mail out out package for the granddaughter and I forgot to wear a coat.  That was stupid on my part. I bought a Starbucks to drink on the way home to try to warm up.

I thank you for checking in on me today.  We have been busy but it was a fun busy.  We are all ready for one more visit of a guy to put in golden oak trim one out newly painted wall.  Until tomorrow.........


  1. How fun to be buying for little Ella. I love the paint in your sunroom. Yes, you both have had a busy day. Your plants in the front bed are so beautiful. I hope your weather warms up soon.

  2. Nice paint job! They have such cute clothing for little girls! I bet you had fun shopping! :)

  3. It's OK not to blog when so much is going on, Larry...a new addition, new family member, etc. Enjoyed seeing more of the completed sun room.
