Thursday, May 2, 2019

Grandparents' Surprise.....

Tulip time from our garden at the old place.  It was so wet and cold yesterday that I did not mow when I went there.  The grass is tall in some places but it all will wait until next week.

The tulips are not all opened yet and things seem slower in development for spring.  The fern leaf peony is not blooming yet so I know things are slow.  It is one of the first things to bloom. I didn’t take all of the tulips so some can see be seen from the road when people drive by there.
The apple trees are budded and are blooming.

I am thinking we are going to see this lilac open up most of its blooms. Both of us are bothered with the pollen from them so they may get moved to a farther part of the house, maybe the garage. I don’t own a lilac at the new place and I don’t know that my lot size can handle it.  My lawn salesperson told me I have a very large lawn compared to average size and my price for treatment was a little bit more.

The vase is what I call Heidi’s vase.  When my friends Norm and Heidi moved to New Mexico I let them put their last minute trash in one of my dumpsters. I rescued the smaller green glass vase that they left behind as a memory of those two great friends.  They and their five kids are headed to a second new job near Santa Fe.

The carpenter and his son put this sunroom kit in less than two hours.  The roof was put on and the whole roof was completely shingled. I see that there is one section of eaves trough that needs to be installed.  We have a great view now that also restricts some of the clutter view and the lower level. The triangle windows give a framed sky now and it is a good view.
Our view from the deck shows the good storm door that we can use to come and go. The clutter on the ground is almost all gone now as the parts laying on the ground are now assembles on the platform. If the guy comes today to work he will need to put up a center beam inside and then add all of the railings.  That would mean hew will be done.

The electricians will work tomorrow installing the heating/cooling system, a ceiling fan and light,  and also outdoor lights.  We are having dry wall installed on the wall of the house next week.
It seem strange to see it in place but we will get use to it. Most all of the moldings that helped connect the room together are almost all gone now that lay on the ground.  We have been doing research of various examples of their products and we are going to paint over the green wood.  Everything will be painted white on all exposed green wood. I think it will look more like a veranda from the south with the post painted white.

It is Thursday and the week has gone quickly.  We are glad that all the noise from building is completed.
It is a new grandchild and it is a .................GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were anxiously waiting and she has been born.  In other pictures she was screaming her lungs out and now she had probably been fed and has gone back to sleep.  Our daughter-in-law is doing great.  A photo of her and our son both with the new baby shows two very happy parents with such a blessing. She has two older brothers to share space with when she gets home.

Needless to say, but her Iowa Grandparents are so happy and very proud of this new addition to the family.


  1. Congratulations to all of you! A precious baby girl. So thankful she and Mom are doing great. May God bless.

  2. That is wonderful news!! So happy for you and her big brothers, too!

  3. The back add on is coming along! Wow! Looks like you will be protected from those pesky bugs when it finally gets finished.

  4. Yeah for a Grandgirl! Congratulations to all! So glad she is here safe and sound:)

  5. Congratulations, Larry, on the two new additions, one to your family and the other to your home. Looking forward to seeing more photos and learning her name as well.
