Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday’s Here.....

I bought treated lumber this morning to make a boxed, semi raised flower bed on the opposite side of tis one. I am tired of trying to keep the grass from spreading into that bed.  I plant sunflowers  and lots of zinnias in the area and I don’t think it loos so great compared to my raised vegetable garden area.

After almost three inches of rain last night the bed has standing water on it because it is all clay.  If I can get a frame around the area I can buy dirt in a bag and fill it partially in this summer before I plant zinnias.  This fall I maybe could buy some more dirt and fill it up more.  Going to the huge lumber yard has become frustrating for me.  I need to build a 12 by 4 foot area and my truck won’t take 12.  I decided to buy eight footers and cut them into two six footers. to just make my one side. It will work but it just isn’t as simple.  They moved the order desk on me at the store placing it at the opposite side of the store. The people were friendly but I felt helpless.  I would like to visual look at what I am buying, the real boats, and think through the problem  rather than just throw out numbers.  I asked the kind man if  I could have paper to write on to figure it out.  He was impressed in how I did it and said in most cases expected him to figure it out plus they don’t have dimensions. I did get to see the real lumber after I paid for it.

I bought two more tomato plants today.  One was a good variety that puts out equally sized tomatoes..  The other one was the variety that makes the larger size of cherry tomatoes.  I have them in my soggy ground already.

I am doing table duty today but I am not happy with the finish.  I guess the moisture content is hight so they were still sticky to the touch.  I have them sitting in the basement bathroom right now.  I turned the heat up high and shut the door.  I will warm that wood up so it will be dry.

We had a lot of rain this early morning with lots of thunder and lighting.  I though we must have had a lot of rain but they are saying just under two inches. Flooding is happening in a area south of us.  Things do appear to be soaked.   It is Friday.  I have been in the hurry up and wait mode for most of the day.  I may just rest and wait until I can do things without hitting road blocks. I hope everyone will have a good day today.  Thanks for checking in on me.


  1. Your day sounds a lot like ours. Someone planted pink rose bushes too close to the foundation of the house. They are just bare sticks on one side. We finally decided to move them and drastically prune them. That involved buying more garden dirt, etc. We are in need of rain but I hate that some areas around your have flooding. We were in the high 90's again today. I hope your tomato plants produce a lot for you.

  2. Sounds like a frustrating day at the lumber yard. we are cold and rainy:(
