Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday....with a Start.

The time has come to discuss where the trees are going to be placed this year. We have a new sun room than can handle a tree, helping us to reduce the ones we usually have in the living room. It will be fun to have one out in the new room as neighbor's too can see it. I walked around in the shop this morning looking at a new project on my list and I saw all the trees down at the other end of the room.

The landscapes along the Mediterranean Sea still looks desert like as the grounds are sandy and rocky. The palms grow well there with the humid air and good sunlight. This area has the great blue sky.
Walking to the sea on this road has a row of palms helping to set the atmosphere.

Back in Iowa the old silver maple has a few leaves still on the branches.  It is one of the last to drop their foliage, drying out on the branch and falling during snowstorms. My leaves at the front yard at the new place dropped leaves for me to mulch We had two windy days and the rest of them blew off the tree and down the street.  When the wind spreads them out everywhere it doesn't seem to be much of a mess on the ground. The Minnesota balsam tree is in the photo on the side.

I am keeping the feeder stalked as a few birds are still around.  I still can not attract cardinals.  Our friend south of us a few miles has numerous cardinals next to the retirement apartment. The success there is the old established trees are all around. We do still have our one squirrel.

I did get started on my new blog.  I had not set one up for many years and my wife helped me get it going.  What I have started is very rough looking and I really would like to do a better job with the writing.  There was so much going on on the trip that I am going to have to slow down and not tell the story all at once. I have found lost photos from my wife's batch of photos, taken when my battery went dead. I find photos that I had not edited among the thousand and I think that I need to include them.  The project will be done a little at a time during the whole winter.

I am so glad I got the start, started. Thanks for stopping by today. I wish you all well having survied the Black Friday yesterday. Take care.......


  1. I need to settle down and start on your other blog. I love the last photo on this post. As for Cardinals, I think they like to have a lot of shrubbe

  2. Yes I bet your sunroom will look great with a tree! Hope the worst of the storm misses you!
