Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday's Stuff....

It is just a plain ole picture of some pretty common stuff. The snow is on the deck.  It left and more then it happened again later.

The birds are back at the feeders today as the snow makes them cold and hungry. They all seem to be sparrows but some could be goldfinches turned brown. I keep putting out suet and sunflower seeds to draw in some more varieties.

I found a photo from all my numerous ones that is a part of the story of another one that I have been posting. This shows the old city among the new building that is all along the area. They built on top of ruins like this, preserving the old  and actually preserving them with the building on top of them. It is nice that they leave a few openings in the view to share how the whole area did look like this one.

These flowers are in the same area as King David,s Palace, the David that killed Goliath. The whole area is many years older than the temple era as David's son was the one who built God a temple even though David kept saying that he had wanted to do it.

Being on the Mediterranean for eight days was so great.  It was like extending back into summer for those days.  It sprinkled one day even though it was said that it should have been the rainy season. Seeing flowers and cactus at the same time with blue waters and sky really spoiled us. Coming back to snow and cold temps continues to be a shock to us.  It was so cold out there when we were out.  It is so nice to be back inside our warm house.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It was cold and rainy and snowed a bit here this day, but no accumulation.

  2. You should have stayed longer! I miss the warm weather too! :)
