Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday's Frills and Thrills......not!!

Previous owner left these for me to enjoy. They seem to like this location in the garden. I am glad things keep coming up.

The small daffodils are all in bloom.  I have larger ones planted somewhere  else on the property.

The project continues. It is a detailed construction that has to be thoroughly cleaned with warm water and rags. It is made from walnut and has white wash paint on the inside surface. To keep from getting discouraged I am just taking it one piece or side at a time. I am not even thinking I will get done for quite a few days.  I would like outside warmer weather so I can used the power sander on it . This is a piece that was thrown into a junk pile with not know history. The barn was my wife's grandfathers so a lot of history in two to three generations of living there.

We are still well and are behaving ourselves.  We had rain all night last night but the sun is shining today. Stay safe everyone.


  1. Pretty crocus! Glad you are still okay we are too:)

  2. Thank goodness for gardening days, re-birth it's the perfect encouragement we all need right now.
    You have your work cut out on that piece of wood Larry, it's in good hands :)
    Be well dear friend.
