Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday I Guess..

It is a start.  Tomato seed is growing.  I did find that third package today that I could find when I first planted.  I will get more dirt in those little holes and plant a few more of a  different variety.

I haven't been able to work on my new project today as I had to go to the grocery store. This cupboard item has some really good hardwood in it. Maybe oak is of the main item.  I discovered that a white wash paint was used on the inside as I can wash it off of the inside of the compartments  It does have evidence that it had two hinges on it to hold a door, maybe a mirror. It also has a brass latch on the opposite side.

Shopping at the grocery store was a weird happening.  It was not crowded in the morning with a lot of gray haired people like me doing their shopping. I stayed my distance from everyone.  The check out had a plexiglass shield to protect the cashier from us.  The person checking out groceries was washing the moving counter each time between shoppers.  No tp in the building. soup was bought out and mac and cheese was gone.  A lot of the shelves were thinly stocked but I did get most everything that I needed. It was strange to be there as everyone stared in front of themselves and now one talked to each other.  We have had two cases of the virus in the city next door.  We have 38 cases reported as of yesterday in the whole state.  So I didn't feel to threatened and yet I was not going to be the one to bring anything home to  my wife. They had disinfect lotion to use after my purchases were done.

I don't know that people understand that this is an upper respiratory flu and not a stomach flu. I guess I have six or seven places to drive just in our city to fine tp when we are out. Living in a city of over 80 thousand means we do have a lot of store choices.  All kids in the city will be home for two weeks for sure and up to four weeks. I can see parents now having to feed their kids a noon meal so more food is needed.

I haven't made it outside to take newer/better photos but I will do that soon.  We are having a rainy day again today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Imagine feeding your own kids for lunch! What has happened to our culture?! Funny, my Mom fed us and packed our lunch for school until either we could make our own or we when we were shipped off to boarding school. ( Cafeteria food was actually BETTER than mom's gruel.) I learned to feed myself early on... so no school lunch programs for us.

    Imagine having to deal with your kids now that there is no school to ship them off to for 6-8 hours. It must be terrible for the part time parents these days. hehe.

    Sounds like your grocery stores are taking things seriously. Here in Iowa City, there are a number of positives and everyone is in a huge fuss. In Muscatine, they are taking things at a much simpler stride. We are doing our own bit as well. And You remind me I have to get those tomatoes out there soon enough. IT will be a great way to pass the time.

  2. Glad you got groceries. I did that today also, we are good for another week or two of the housebound adventures. The virus is now in neighboring counties to us :(

  3. I love what you did with the tomato planting. I live in an apartment so maybe I'll try to find something like that. Stay safe😀, cheers, Ruby
