Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The one rhubarb leaf promises me many more leaves to come. It is planted in three different locations so we always have plenty.

I am thinking that this section of the pussy willow tree is dead as these hard, crusty fungus things are readily growing. I am not happy with that as I will have to hire someone to come in and remove it. It is next to a fence and a grumpy neighbor so I will have to be careful in that area.

I did bring in some of the branches yesterday while I was out in the back yard. Not a lot of things are up yet but some things are starting to green up.

We had rain coming down this morning when we got up. You can see that we did get plenty to fill this bowl. I don't have to fill the birdbath either.

I am already stir crazy and this has just begun. I will be going for groceries tomorrow morning taking the list of necessities. I will buy a whole gallon of milk this time and hope that it stays fresh.  We are just running out of things and I will go when there are not to many there.  I also will check my own out at the self check out.  Our main food pantry really is getting low as we are using what ever we find in there.  Potatoes are gone, soups are almost gone, and cereal is getting low.  It will be good to restock it all.

I have another project started.  It will take a few days as I keep removing dirt from it.  It looks like it was originally a medicine cabinet from an old house, my wife's grandparents' house. I found it tossed in a the barn, missing its front door, dirty from being in the cow milking area for a very long time.

As I remove the layers of dirt, I am finding a good hardwood under it all. The insides were painted with a whitewash as a wet rag is taking it off. I see a good thing here even though it looks like junk. When wood is involved I can bring it back. Take care everyone.  This is a once in a life time situation for our nation and we need to defeat this crap Chinese virus. Thanks for stopping by today.

Happy report is the tomato seed is up. 


  1. Ah yes, that looks like a Rhubarb leaf! Yay!

  2. You will have rhubarb pie before you know it! Stay safe Larry, keep Della away from germy people:)
