Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday's Moments.....

Calling for a mate while sitting in our tree. He was eye level with me and really wasn't bothered with me taking any photos.

I was out on the deck taking photos of the sky when I realized that I had his company. The clouds were very friendly with soft colors.

I brought in pussy willows to see at close range. They now are rooting and sprouting leaves.

My tomatoes are now sprouting out their true center leaves that look like tomato leaves. When it is cold I carry them inside each night but they probably are tough enough to stay out on the sun room for now.
More daffodils are going to bloom. It should be in a few more days.

The Ancestry name of the day is Hezekiah Maxsom.  He was a father of my great grandmother.  I did also find the twin sister to my great grandmother. I could find all sorts of things about all of the other sisters and then finally I  then found Jane, Jane Henderson. It is a coincidence also that she lived in the same town as my wife's great grandparents.  Eliston, Iowa must have been a booming place back then.  I can't find where Jane is buried but my wife's relatives are buried in two of the three cemeteries. It is a small world.  I of course was born about 16 miles northeast of all of that area.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Always nice to see a Cardinal singing in the soring!

  2. How lucky are you to have a Cardinal! :)

  3. That is so cool that your ancestors and your wife's ancestors lived in the same town.

  4. Nice to have had the company of that cardinal while out on the deck, Larry, and it was practicing social distancing too. And it looks like the tomato plants are doing well at this early stage. Hope that you and your wife are keeping well.
