Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, a Wet One.....

I laughed as to how easy it was to fill up the new storage thing. I have so much junk and I was able to get just the right thing to fit in each opening. I found out that the top of that bookshelf was not flat so I put a board in underneath it.  I am at a time of pause on the projects. I have three or four I could start on but I repotted plants yesterday.

We finally got our census taken on the computer.  It wasn't difficult and yet there were confusing parts of it at the beginning. I see by the internet news that they did decide to send us retired people some amount of money.  It was like deliberate discrimination that they were not going to include us. They will base the amount they give us to our two last  year income tax forms
I still have not yet poisoned this guy. I will get to it when I can move the truck out of the garage so I can get to the treatment. I am thinking that a hosta is suppose to be in that area.  I hope I don't see it again.

I already had this photo of my great grandfather and grandmother Wheeler. Cyrus and Mattie I knew some things about them before I got onto Ancestry but I noticed I had another source of info on the back of this picture. My mom had done some recording on it.

I know my mom did this as she wanted those of the future generations to know of the past. These people all lived with families scattered in the Lorimor, Iowa area just south of the Covered Bridges area in Iowa.

Another good find yesterday was a photo of my great grandmother Driver with all of her sisters but one in the picture. She had a twin sister and of course she was n ot in the photo. I know she was called Jane and I will be on the lookout for her photo.

Anyway, we are off to take my wife's older friend to a hospital/clinic.  She has a threat of cancer on one lung and she needs us to take here and also to offer support.  I am concerned if my wife and I will be able to get inside with her. They have closed the hospital part down completely to outsiders but maybe the clinic will be different.  It is raining today and it will be quite an interesting outing.

Thanks for stopping in today. I hope everyone is staying uninfected. Be careful.


  1. Your project turned out real nice! Looks like it was made just for some of your treasures.
    No one can get in the clinic here except the patient or a child and parent.
    We got snow but it is melting:)

  2. That finished projects looks great with everything placed in the sections. Thanks for showing us the work involved and then the completion. yes we are keeping well and glad you and your wife are too. Thanks Larry for the recent comments on my blog posts, much appreciated.
