Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday's Posting......

It isn't such a good sight early in the morning. It di clear off some and we do have sun.  I think we are suppose to get warm.

We had an ice storm yesterday afternoon.  I guess storm is a strong word but yet we were coated with ice and some snow was mingled in on the deck.  It still had not thawed off but I think by noon it will be gone.
The pussy will is in its large fuzzy size right now and the freezing rain caused it to turn yellow. You can see some of the ice on the blue spruce.

We had little ice formations on some trees and also along the railing.  I was glad though that the ground was warm enough that we did get it on the sidewalks or road ways.

We needed to take a friend to see her doctor.  We had to look for the new entrance to the back of the hospital. The new entrance was at the greatest distance it could be with its own parking lot back there. It had a new elevator that took us up the one floor to get to the remodeled Oncology area. It was not a day of good news for our friend but we will do what we can to support her for her many new visits.  She had survived breast cancer a couple of years ago.

I moved some plants around as some of them were really getting crowded.  I really don't need any more of these sansevieria plants.  The are like rabbits having bunnies. I received one as a gift and here it is five or more years later being scattered in many pots. The seem to grow slowly or in a way that you don't notice.
Yes I need a work sink in my downstairs area. I put things in new or different pots and I leave them in the downstairs bath for a few days to get them ready to go out into the light.  I have plans to build a potting bench and shelves on the outside underneath the deck.  I have seen people grow fens in those kind of places during the summer. If I get a potting bench I can just wait until spring to work on plants out there and not in the bathroom.

It is a different kind of life being shut in.  We really are not use to it. I lost a teacher friend yesterday. I met him in 1976 and he was older than me then by 15 years.  He long retired before me and lived in old Des Moines area. There will be no traditional anything.  He will just be gone and no crowd will get together to remember him.  It is a part of the changing of times and the shutting down of our country.

I hope all are staying safe and sane.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Such sad news to read about your teacher friend, Larry, also about your friend who went to the doctor. It's good that you and your wife were such supportive friends. It is sad that family and friends cannot celebrate lives well lived that have ended during this pandemic. Your weather made it good to be indoors.

  2. Take care. It's a strange time for everyone.

  3. Light coating of Ice here as well. I was hoping things would warm up consistently, but seems like the cold will still show up and mess with our mornings. At least it climbed to 50 here this afternoon. Stay safe!

  4. Ice was here too. So sorry about your friend and also the friend who needs more treatments for cancer. So good of you to be there for her:)
