Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sjunday Afternoon.....

I heard him calling this morning.  I am sure he is looking for a mate. He was loud so any other chipmunk in the area could have heard him.  We were watching church on television and he just popped up for a second. He didn't stay long but will be back when he gets hungry. This was the first time I have seen one this spring.

The honeysuckle vine is spouting out leaves. It is earlier than the things around it.

I was happy to see how large this iris is but I am not happy about all that grass that grows around it. I have a lot of grass to remove this year around things.

A lot of the old fashion iris are up strong also so I should have some more good blooms this year.

The fern leaf peony gained some more height these past few days. It has eleven or more stems now which makes the chance better for more blooms.  Not all stems bloom.

I apparently brought another start of it down with me last year as I see this one is poking through in a different area. I will probably need to stake this to keep it safe.
The garden angel is out now on the picnic table.  He will move on as I find a new place for him to sit in the rain to clean up. I am going to have to start mowing my yard sooner than I want to.  I will wait for my two guys on either side of me get started. I am going to have the lawn service do my treatments again this year.

We are having a slow afternoon as we have been home for forever.  I am looking at Friday or a week from tomorrow before I buy groceries.  I hope everyone is staying safe. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I have never had the pleasure of seeing a Chipmunk in the garden, lots of squirrels though.
    Your flowers are popping out all over, it's a wonderful sight.
    Stay well Larry !

  2. You will be mowing before long! You are going to have some nice Peony blooms! :)

  3. It is always so good to see things peeping up, isn't it.
