Thursday, December 31, 2020

Last Day of the Year......

 I resurrected an old free standing birdfeeder and gave it a new roof. It has a modern look with the snow drifts on it.  I have seen birds eating here so it is woring.

The wheel barrow is under the sun room area but it still collected snow from the last storm. We are too cold for any of it to be leaving anytime soon.

Looking out the downstairs window I can see beg blue looming with a new coat of snow. It is a different coating of snow that the last storm.

The potting bench is not being used so it just holds a lawyer of snow. Nt bew trekkus najes tge wgike area look great.  I am ready for spring but that is a long time from now. 

Looking out from the patio door shows another snow scene. My brother sent me a photo of his  front yard with green grass and a  palm.  He lives in Arizona and is worried that his tomatoes will get frosted from his 41 degree temperatures. I sent h im a photo of my raised bd covered in snow. 

Our oldest grandson loves legos and I built this with him while he was here.  I think it has been over two years since they were last year even though we did see them at their house last Christmas.  We bought him a y-winged Star Wars ship for Christmas and he was happy about that. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  It doesn't feel like New Years Eve but it is going to happen anyway.  Happy New Year early.


  1. Glad the birds are using the new feeder. The spruce is pretty with snow. We have friends in Wisconsin that are very cold too. God bless you and your family in the new year.

  2. Happy New Year! Our snow isn't going anyplace either! :)
