Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunny Sun Day.....

 I had noticed that these had buds on them a day or so ago.  I looked down from the sunroom this morning and there were blooms showing. The wind was whipping them up but they were surviving.

This is one of my favorite spring flowers over the tulip.  The bell shape and color seems to be so magical.  I did cut a couple of flowers and brought them inside so we could appreciate them up close.  It is too windy and cold to be able to view them outside for very long. 

 My garage door tulips are showing good color now.  It will be a couple of more days for them all to be turned fully red and to be opened. 

My fern leafed peony was well established next to the fence.  Since a new fence was being installed I felt obligated to move it.  It is coming up in its new location now and I am happy with it.  The actual number of blooms that it puts out will tell me how much it was set back by the move. 

The old fashion peonies are coming up now.  It took some warm weather to get them started.  The row of seven have been planted there now for three years so it should be a showy display of plants this year. 

Out front the sedum and bluebells are coming through.  I like how warm weather really causes them to show up and take off quickly. The big rock was there when I moved here.  I did bring some big rocks with me when I moved but this one was a good size one that probably was brought in with a scoop. 

Windy and sunny spring day is better now that rain..  We have enough moisture now to get the yards up and growing.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I so enjoy seeing all of your garden plants coming back to life, they make me smile. Thank you for sharing their beauty.

  2. Having that big rock next to them helps retain warmth. That being said, I love rocks. And if I moved, I would want to take mine with me. If I didn't take them, I think my daughters would take them. I have one or two that took both Roger and I to lift. LOL

  3. Our Daffodils came out in a bunch today, and our Peonies are growing fast too.

  4. Our plants are a bit behind yours but the sedum, bluebells, and bleeding hearts are all starting to show up!

    I loved the tour of your flowers, can't wait to see more!
