Monday, May 9, 2022

Beginning of the Week......


It will be 91° by four o'clock today.  It is a clear sky for most of the day.  The orange sky lasted for only a short time.

The flowering trees are snowing petals today.  The heat will wipe them out much more quickly.  They have looked great this season.

The fancy tulips were at first just white.  The have now turned into this wonderful set of colors.  I forget from year to year as to how showy that they are. 

The crimson king maple is later in its leafing out but it is worth the wait.  I didn't plant the tree so I don't know its history.  I have always thought it looked like the top of it had been damaged at one time or maybe that is just the nature of the tree. 

The wild violets are few this year but there are some of them. I like the look of the hostas and  hope our week of heat doesn't damage them.

It is Monday and I have had a busy day. I hope all are doing well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is too warm for May! Stay cool!

  2. Those violets are beautiful! We have so many in the woods, it is like a flower show!

    We got warm on Monday too. Those fancy tulips are amazing!

    Hopefully you don't get storms this week!
