Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 The heat does damage to the tulips yesterday.  The white and red tulips were yellowed with 90° temps. We will have that again today.  I think I should pick some and just bring them inside. 

The row is looking good though as the peonies push up around them.  I planted the tulips on a cold day in the past and it certainly worth it to put them in for spring blooms.

I really like the Rembrandt tulips.  I use to see them as a kid and I sure did buy them once I saw they were available on line at a nursery. 

The neighbors white blooms are looking good a property line over.  Can you see all the cones on that second evergreen tree?

The fancy tulips are taking hits from the heat and the strong winds.  We will see how they do today.  Thanks for stopping by today.....


  1. Pretty Tulips! Too bad about the heat, seems you have summer already!

  2. Oh, my....I sooooo love those last.
