Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Middle of the Week's Worth......

 The robin is out there to steer me away from the nest.  It wants me to follow it away from the area.  I do see them picking up small bugs and worms from the yard.  The bird sitting on the nest doesn't leave the nest as I am sure the eggs are hatched. 

The blooms are being sent to the ground as the leaves are starting to sprout out on the branches.  It has been a good spell of blooms and I am pleased it keeps on growing bigger. 

I took a better shot of these wild violets.  They are doing well in the back corner of the lot.  I have seen a couple of variegated colors on some of them in the yard.  

The lily of the valley popped up a few days ago and it didn't take long for it to fill in with leaves.  I really like the flowers on this plant. 

Iris, hosta and lily of the valley seem to be all blended in a blanket of green. The iris is the old fashion one with purple and white flowers. 

My yard had its first treatment today from my hired men so my grass should start filling in quickly.  I need to mow but will wait for another day.  The heat is bad again today so I will stay out of the yard until morning.  I did move two more bags of mulch down the hill for my back yard flower garden area.  I will spread those two tomorrow.  

Thanks for checking in.....


  1. I like lily of the valley...I am wondering if your iris is the same one that is blooming here now. I know someone in one of the blogs I visit has some.

  2. My Lilies of the Valley are just getting ready to blossom. They were hidden under leaves and debris so I just started cleaning that bed up yesterday as it is in the shade.

    My daffies are fading and the iris's are working on their blooms. The vinca is all blossomed out and my phlox looks like it will too! I'm loving the colors!

    Love your red bud. The only trees blossoming here are the wild cherries right now.

  3. Lots of flowers coming for you! I used to have a patch of Lily of the Valley outside my kitchen window when we lived at the smelled wonderful when I opened the window:)

  4. It's so exciting to see all the beautiful blooms returning. Those Lily of the Valley leaves looks so robust and
    healthy, a sign of things to come☺️
