Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday's Finds.....

 They are all at different stages of blooms.  Some people deadhead so you only see great blooms. I have too many to do that.  This is on of the three "knock out" roses.

This final blooms for the season are looking a little weathered.  I am going to miss my iris blooms. 

The "superstition" iris is looking tough but the colors are still good.  I have to move some of these and thin out rhizomes so they will grow better next year. 


The name of this rose might be "carnival" as it puts out different colors as it opens up. It is showing many buds for many blooms.

I moved this peony from the front of the house where there is a lot of clay in the soil.  Just in one season I got this beautiful bloom at the bottom of the hill.  I dumped in soil to revive it and it did pay off. I have a white one on the hill that needs to  be dug up and put into good soil as it looks like the one below.

After living here for over four years I am convinced that the clay is causing this. All of the blooms look the same. 

I have finished painting all of my eight poles.  The bases look great.  I have a little more painting to do today on my potting table area but I have to wait on it to dry out and warm up. It is Friday and I hope to get stuff done today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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