Saturday, June 11, 2022

Soggy and Wet Saturday......

 The Friday night sky was beautiful.  The colors were subtle with the light of the sun illuminating parts of the clouds. 

The squabs, newly hatched morning doves are bashful.  They are easy to scare away.  It is so nice to see the new birds at the feeder.

The one is just keeping an eye one the surroundings.  I can sense their curiosity and also hesitation as they explore the feeder. 

Late blooming buds give off some great color.  The peonies are in decline and I will be deadheading them soon.  It is raining this morning and it will take them out sooner.

The former owner planted dogwood shrubs all along the fence line.  The purchase was mixed up as the first one is a different variety of dogwood. The rest are all red twig dogwoods. I did kill off two of them with a poison ivy product but the area along the fence still looks good but a lot less formal in design. 

Working at planting hardy geraniums in pots this morning, in out of the rain. I am done painting for a while so it will be a less intense day work wise today.  Thanks for checking in......

1 comment:

  1. Those dogwoods look good. All of the grey dogwoods around here are wild.
