Monday, June 13, 2022

Full Moon....

 It looks like it is in its full stage.  I have said that before and someone would tell me it still needs one or two more days. Actually I digressed and looked it up and tomorrow night it is in full moon phase. It is still in waxing phase.  I don't see it. 

The youngsters keep coming to the feeder. They are almost adult size and yet you can see they are petite compared to a grown bird. 

This house finch pair are busy working both sides of the sock. They have given me a good show on the sock but I haven't seen a single gold finch on it yet. 

I worked on a project with my neighbor this morning and I got over heated.  Our humidity is so high that it makes our temps feel like 100°.  I had to go sit down for a while to get myself back to strenght.  It says we are 94° right now but the humidity again will make it feel above 100°.  I have a strip of grass on the right side of my driveway that I need to finish.  I am going to do it no matter how hot as it only takes four or five widths of the mower and it is done. See ya tomorrow. 


  1. Such an awesome shot Larry. Those little doves are the sweetest birds, I love hearing their coo-ing. Heat is unbearable, maybe time to stay inside for awhile.

  2. Whew! 50-60 degrees here in Wisconsin. Sure is nice being next to the lake shore. almost chilly since I am not acclimated to it. Another beautiful Moon shot.

  3. Be careful in the heat I hear it is just supposed to get worse too. Humidity chased Far Guy inside today too. :(
