Sunday, June 12, 2022



 I saw an old photo from last year of a vase with this rose in it.  I had a hired hand to mow my yard and he had clipped off a branch with his weed eater.  Having seen the photo it made sense to go out and cut from the bush and bring them in agin this year to enjoy.

Because I had seen a goldfinch at my regular feeder I bought and hung a new sock feeder.  I have seen two goldfinch on it but the camera was not handy.  The house finches have fledged lots of new birds and they are hitting it like cotton candy.

Here are two young female house finches at the sock. I had seven of them at the sock and on the deck at one time. 

These two are an adult pair of house finches are also eating seed. I await the return of the goldfinch and they will come.



My last image is one of a hole in the clouds.  We had a lot clouds off and on yesterday and to see this was a different thing. Have a good Sunday and rest everyone.

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