Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday's Moon.....

 While ordering trellises for the garden I was drawn to the garden sculptures. I bought this sculpture of St. Francis of Assisi with his animals in the garden.  It was bought for my wife as a surprise as she loves all animals.  It is going to be enjoyed by me also.  I think it may never make it outside as it already is stiitng among the houseplants. 

We were up early this morning and I discovered the moon still in the sky.  I can see why I don't usually see this phase of the moon as it at a very early time that you can see it.

The sun is up now and it is going to be another hot day.  We will get thunderstorms because of it. We were in southern Iowa yesterday for a funeral.  It was interesting to see how the drought affected areas differently along our drive. There were some beautiful views of colorful leaves but also there were strips of areas where the trees were all gray and the leaves will never change color. 

My first cousin Gene left us too early at the age of 67.  He lived his life as a Christian that left memories of his great testimony of being a good, kindly man with a great smile. His only son, daughter-in-law with grandson will miss Gene a lot. It was a reunion of first cousins after the funeral having a meal at a community center in Murray, Iowa.  The town's main street is fading to a minimal of buildings and memories of the town is all that is left. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. My sympathy to you Larry. Sometimes it is funerals that bring us together with cousins, I guess we have to take what we get!

  2. The drought has been horrible. I wonder when or if it will end?

    Sorry for the loss of your first cousin.
